Survivor Pascual Lozada after 1932 earthquake

Material Information

Survivor Pascual Lozada after 1932 earthquake
Lamarque Sarno, Martha
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 b&w photograph


Written on verso: Pascual Lozada es el lisiado que aparece en carrito, rodeado de sus familiares. El terremoto le echó encima una pared que se derrumbó en su residencia de la calle D numero 13 en Sueño, escapando milagrosamente con vida. Sufrió una herida en el cuello. ( en,en,,, )
Translation of verso: Pascual Lozada is the cripple who appears in a cart, surrounded by his relatives. The earthquake hit him with a wall that collapsed in his residence on Calle "D" number 13 in Sueño, miraculously escaping with his life. He suffered a neck injury.
General Note:
Language from the original item is typically transcribed directly and without redaction, especially for titles. Items depicting offensive, racist, and/or stereotypical imagery or language are presented in their original state as a historical record for scholarship and research.

Record Information

Source Institution:
Florida International University
Holding Location:
Special Collections and University Archives
Rights Management:
Resource Identifier: