Material Information

Reel to Reel- Tape 034
Sonora ( Performer )
America ( Performer )
Belisario Lopez y Su Charanga ( Performer )
Sublime ( Performer )
Puig, Cheo Belen ( Performer )
Rene Alvarez y Las Astros ( Performer )
More, Beny ( Performer )
R., Elliot ( Performer )
Peruchin y su Grupo ( Performer )
Peruchin ( Performer )
Güines, Tata ( Performer )
Casino de la Playa ( Performer )
Andrew Kaufman
Physical Description:
Reel to Reel


General Note:
Side #1: Left: 1. Sabrosito, 2. Palito de Tendeder, 3. Que Dichoso es, 4. Rum Bambaramba, 5. Y del Vedado Que, 6. Cañonazo, 7._______, 8. Eso Se Itincha, 9. Se Formo La Runbantela, 10. La Sopa En Botella, 11. Guaguango #3, 12. Besito De Coco, 13. Sale A Buscar, 14. Babaraquiti, 15. El Viejo Don Julia, 16. Note Bote, 17. El Cable (Sonora) /. Right: 1. Dos Almas y Guaguanco (America), 2. Preparate Para Bonarte, 3. Con el Cimaron, 4. Los Jovenes de la Avispa, (Belisario Lopez y Su Charanga), 5. Sacando Manteca, 6. Me Dicen el Feliz (Sublime), 7. Ya Tu Lo Ves Maria, 8. Yo Vine Pa Ve (Puig, Cheo Belen), 9. Para Las Niñas y Señoras (Rene Alvarez y Las Astros), 10. Baila Mi Son (More, Beny), 11. Se Que Tu, 12. Mavi- Mavi, 13. Canto Borinquen, 14. Mi Triguena, 15. Dejame El Rincon, 16. Decidete (Sonora) /. Side #2: Left: 1. Dime Lo Que Te Pasa, 2. Todo Y Nada, 3. Guajira Melodica, 4. Son De La Loma, 5. Pantelon, 6. Guaguanco Callejero, 7. Que Equivocacion, 8. La Sitiera, 9. Mamey Colorao, 10. Over The Rainbow, 11. Dime Mi Cielo, 12. La Cumparsita, 13. Mala Nota, 14. Brasil, 15. Cobarde, 16. Alma Llanera (Perchin y Su Grupo) /. Right: 1. En El Capital, 2. Can Can Cha, 3. Jibarito, 4. Muchachita del Bar, 5. Paris, 6. La Malanga, 7. Yo Nunca Pense (Peruchin), 8. Cachita, 2. Bruca Manigua, 3. El Manisero, 4. Almendra, 5. Quiero Un Sombrero, 6. Esto es Lo Ultimo, 14. Coge Pa La Cola, 15.Tumbando Caña, 16. Param Pampin (Casino de La Playa) /.
General Note:
Side #1, left: El cable (1/2); Side #1, right: "Ya Tu Lo Ves Maria" (Puig, Cheo Belen) is a live recording; Side #2, right: Peruchin recordings feature Tata Güines.

Record Information

Source Institution:
Florida International University
Holding Location:
Diaz Ayala Collection
Rights Management:
Sound clips (demo and full length) for both songs are available online. The access to full length sound files limited to on-campus users only. The Sound and Image Department at FIU Library does not claim copyright for any item in the collection. Copies for transmission, broadcast, reproduction, publishing, etc., not covered by fair use, require the written permission of the copyright owners. The user assumes all responsibility for clearing reproduction rights and fees as well as any infringement of United States copyright law (U.S. Code, Title 17).
Resource Identifier:
AKC034 ( local )