Material Information

Yo soy tu Santa Claus
Distinctive title :
Yo soy tu Santa Claus
Distinctive title :
Vamos a parrandear
Distinctive title :
Merry Christmas Boogaloo
Distinctive title :
A la zarandela
Distinctive title :
Flores de amistad
Distinctive title :
Leegó la Navidad
Distinctive title :
Alegria navideña
Distinctive title :
Dame un traguito
Distinctive title :
Navidad y año nuevo
Distinctive title :
Coros de Navidad
Distinctive title :
Aguinaldo puertorriqueño
Distinctive title :
Saludos navideños
Albino, Johnny ( performer )
Albino, Johnny ( composer )
Starbright ( composer )
Cepeda, Rafael ( composer )
Balseiro, Raul ( composer )
Sanchez, J. ( composer )
Navarro, Moreno ( composer )
D.R.A. ( composer )
Physical Description:
1 sound disc : 33 1/3 rpm ; 12 in.


Subjects / Keywords:
Latin pop (music)


For additional information on composers and performers, see Diaz-Ayala discography:Cuba Canta Baila
General Note:
LP includes 12 songs.
General Note:
1. Yo soy tu Santa Claus / (Albino, Johnny - Starbright) -- 2. Vamos a parrandear / (Albino, Johnny - Starbright) -- 3. Merry Christmas Boogaloo / (Albino, Johnny - Starbright) -- 4. A la zarandela / (Starbright) -- 5. Flores de amistad / (Cepeda, Rafael - Starbright) -- 6. Leegó la Navidad / (Balseiro, Raul - Starbright) -- 7. Alegria navideña / (Albino, Johnny - Starbright) -- 8. Dame un traguito / (Sanchez, J. - Starbright) -- 9. Navidad y año nuevo / (Navarro, Moreno - Starbright) -- 10. Coros de Navidad / (Albino, Johnny - Starbright) -- 11. Aguinaldo puertorriqueño / (D.R.A. - Starbright) -- 12. Saludos navideños / (Albino, Johnny - Starbright)

Record Information

Source Institution:
Florida International University
Holding Location:
Sound and Image Department
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier:
Starbright SLP 988
PR 3-18