Material Information

Tito No.1
Added title page title:
Blen, Blen, Blen
Added title page title:
Para que tú lo bailes
Added title page title:
Por más que quieras
Added title page title:
Tú estas fatal
Added title page title:
Abarrida cumbiaremos
Added title page title:
Yo se que será
Added title page title:
Added title page title:
No me beses más
Added title page title:
Esta es mi noche de suerte
Added title page title:
Así pienso yo
Added title page title:
Ven aquí a la realidad
Rodríguez, Tito ( performer )
Pozo, Chano ( composer )
Fellové, Francisco ( composer )
Sánchez Acosta, Manuel ( composer )
Vicente, W. ( composer )
Buffarti ( composer )
Delgado, Pepé ( composer )
Fernández Porta, Mario ( composer )
Farrés, Osvaldo ( composer )
Duarte, Ernesto ( composer )
Physical Description:
1 sound disc : 33 1/3 rpm ; 12 in.


Subjects / Keywords:
Latin pop (music)


For additional information on composers and performers, see Diaz-Ayala discography:Cuba Canta Baila
General Note:
LP includes 11 songs.
General Note:
Una copia donada en honor a Mr. Angel Rivero.
General Note:
1. Blen, Blen, Blen / (Pozo, Chano) -- 2. Para que tú lo bailes / (Fellové, Francisco) -- 3. Por más que quieras / (Sánchez Acosta, Manuel) -- 4. Tú estas fatal / (Vicente, W.) -- 5. Abarrida cumbiaremos / (Buffarti) -- 6. Yo se que será / (Delgado, Pepé) -- 7. Azucon / (Delgado, Pepé) -- 8. No me beses más / (Sánchez Acosta, Manuel) -- 9. Esta es mi noche de suerte / (Fernández Porta, Mario) -- 10. Así pienso yo / (Farrés, Osvaldo) -- 11. Ven aquí a la realidad / (Duarte, Ernesto)

Record Information

Source Institution:
Florida International University
Holding Location:
Sound and Image Department
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier:
Musicor MM 2084