Material Information

Mi guitarra y yo
Distinctive title :
Tú no comprendes
Distinctive title :
Enamorado de ti
Distinctive title :
El jibarito
Distinctive title :
Todo para ti
Distinctive title :
Desvelo de amor
Distinctive title :
Silencio - Perfume de Gardenia
Distinctive title :
Prisionera de América
Distinctive title :
Qué dirías de mí
Distinctive title :
La cumbancha
Distinctive title :
Distinctive title :
La mentira ( Se te olvida)
Distinctive title :
No te importe saber
Distinctive title :
Sin presentirlo
Xiques, Panchito ( performer )
Hernández, R. ( composer )
Xiqués, Panchito ( composer )
Grever, María ( composer )
Lara, Agustín ( composer )
Barroso, A. ( composer )
Grever, A. ( composer )
Touzet, René ( composer )
García Perdomo, Ricardo ( composer )
Blineau Records
Physical Description:
1 sound disc : 33 1/3 rpm ; 12 in.


Subjects / Keywords:
Latin pop (music)


For additional information on composers and performers, see Diaz-Ayala discography:Cuba Canta Baila
General Note:
LP includes 13 songs.
General Note:
1. Tú no comprendes / (Hernández, R.) -- 2. Enamorado de ti / (Hernández, R.) -- 3. El jibarito / (Hernández, R.) -- 4. Todo para ti / (Hernández, R.) -- 5. Desvelo de amor / (Hernández, R.) -- 6. Silencio - Perfume de Gardenia / (Hernández, R.) -- 7. Prisionera de América / (Xiqués, Panchito) -- 8. Qué dirías de mí / (Grever, María ) -- 9. La cumbancha / (Lara, Agustín) -- 10. Brazil / (Barroso, A.) -- 11. La mentira ( Se te olvida) / (Grever, A.) -- 12. No te importe saber / (Touzet, René) -- 13. Sin presentirlo / (García Perdomo, Ricardo)

Record Information

Source Institution:
Florida International University
Holding Location:
Sound and Image Department
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier:
Blineau Records B 075