Material Information

Land acquisition and involuntary resettlement policy framework (LARPF)
Government of the Republic of Haiti
Haiti-Urban Community Driven Development Project
Disaster Risk Reduction Program, Florida International University (DRR/FIU) ( summary contributor )
Place of Publication:
Government of the Republic of Haiti
Publication Date:
Copyright Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Earthquake -- Haiti ( lcshac )
Urban development ( lcshac )
Internally displaced persons ( lcshac )
non-fiction ( marcgt )


This document presents the guidelines and procedures for land acquisition and resettlement in relation to the Haiti-Urban Community Driven Development Project (PRODEPUR) which seeks to establish basic infrastructure and services as well as income-generating opportunities for those affected by the devastating January 2010 earthquake. Though PRODEPUR seeks to avoid involuntary displacement, there are sub-projects focused on development objectives that may require some members of the community lose land and/or housing. The Land Acquisition and Involuntary Resettlement Policy Framework (LARPF) establishes guidelines for proper compensation of those displaced persons. It ensures that they are compensated adequately in accordance to the value of nearby land, as well as costs of lost assets and relocation. These costs are included in proposals as part of project costs. A critical component of PRODEPUR that should reduce the incidence of abuse is that it is a community-based and demand-driven project, where participatory planning and decision-making are central components. This ensures that all potentially affected persons are likely to be part of any decision-making involving land acquisition or resettlement. In addition, the LARPF proposes a consultation process that informs those potentially affected of their rights and responsibilities in accordance with national law and World Bank policy, as well as a grievance redress mechanism to deal with possible conflicts. Another component of the LARPF focuses on ensuring that those displaced by sub-projects are able to reestablish previous economic conditions or improve them. It calls for programs to help improve the livelihoods of those displaced through skills and vocational training, small scale credit to start small businesses, marketing development, and general assistance for community-based organizations and services. The LARPF begins with a survey identifying the socio-economic characteristic of affected persons, establishes a comprehensive plan for the acquisition of land and/or resettlement, along with a compensation package in accordance with compensation guidelines and what has been accepted by affected persons and the entity proposing the sub-project. Then a consultation process makes these individuals aware of their rights and responsibilities, and a redress process settles disputes. An expert ensures that boundaries and ownership of land plots is clear. Disputes over either must be resolved prior to approval of eligible beneficiaries. ( English )
Shelters ( English )
(2011). Land acquisition and involuntary resettlement policy framework (LARPF). Government of Haiti, Haiti-Urban Community Driven Development Project

Record Information

Source Institution:
Florida International University
Rights Management:
Refer to main document/publisher for use rights

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